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Reiki Practitioner Training

  • 1st Level Reiki | Shoden


    The beginning, the opening, the reconnection. Through a theoretical, practical, and energetic seminar, the student becomes consciously reconnected with the Universal Life Energy. This training raises vibrational frequency, perceptual ability, awareness, and a sense of connection, enabling the student to channel Reiki through their hands, on themselves, family, friends, animals, plants, and food.

    Duration: about 8 hours (in-person)

  • 2nd Level Reiki | Chuden


    This level allows for the conscious exercise of creative ability. It involves the development and mature expression of talents, projecting one's intention beyond the illusory distances of space and time. Participants are attuned to three cosmic symbols and learn to use their imagination, strategic positive thinking, and visualization. A further vibrational shift occurs, and there's an increase in awareness and sense of connection.

    Duration: about 8 hours (in-person)

  • 3rd Level Reiki | Okuden | Master


    A theoretical, practical, and energetic seminar for attunement to the "master" Reiki symbol. The encounter with the "Great Shining Light." This is the Reiki level considered spiritual because it brings about a profound connection between different states of being: body, mind, spirit, emotions, and soul. An additional vibrational leap contributes to a sense of oneness, feeling like part of the whole. The third level completes the first two levels, closing the Reiki circle at the personal level and reaching the heart of Reiki.

    Duration: about 8 hours (in-person)

  • Master Teacher | Shinpiden


    A training course to become a Reiki techniques teacher, where you learn the practices to reconnect to Reiki energy. Dedicated to those who, after experiencing and deepening their knowledge of the Reiki Method, feel the desire to share it with others and have the talent and motivation to teach. A delicate and important life choice filled with responsibility. You can become a Reiki master for various reasons: to complete the entire path for personal growth, to initiate only a small circle of family and close friends, or to teach publicly. The key is to let yourself go and be carried by Reiki.

    Duration: about 8 hours plus mentorship until you've trained at least six new practitioners (in-person)

  • Reiki Exchanges and Sharing

    Open to all Reiki students from any school and level for exchanging and sharing Reiki energy.

    Duration: about 2 hours (in-person)

  • Reiki Practice Circles

    Dedicated exclusively to AromaReiki practitioners, where you can ask questions, review the steps, and discuss Reiki techniques.

    Duration: about 2 hours (in-person)


  • 1st Level | Essential Oils for Body, Mind, Spirit

    Discover how essential oils work, why they're so powerful, and how we can use them daily to support our Body, Mind, and Spirit. After a brief introduction to Aromatherapy, we'll discuss essential oil grades and how to identify pure oils: 5 essential oils for the BODY, 5 for the MIND, and 5 for the SPIRIT.

    Duration: 2 evenings, a couple of hours each, starting at 8:45 PM (online and live)

  • 1st Level | Essential Oils and Magical Herbs

    For those fascinated by essential oils and their traditional use in medieval herb lore and beyond, to discover their uses, legends, recipes, and curiosities. This course is for you! Topics include the history, legends, and traditions of essential oils in herbology, notable figures such as Hildegard von Bingen and Rudolf Steiner, uses of essential oils in folk magic, the magic of hair, 10 essential oils (archetypes and energies), purification rituals, love spells, and healing based on medieval herbal philosophies with a modern twist.

    Duration: 2 evenings, a couple of hours each, starting at 8:45 PM (online and live)

  • 2nd Level | Aromatology and Essential Oils

    For those who want to enter the magical and delicate world of essential oils and join the Aroma Community. Access to videos, downloadable PDFs to create your personalized handbook, and support from the Aroma Community for advice and suggestions on making the most of your essential oils.

    Duration: about 10 hours of video content, with a flexible schedule.

  • Aromatest

    Suitable for everyone looking to improve some aspect of their life. It helps uncover our dissatisfaction, discomfort, and various issues. The AromaTest reveals talents, lights, and amplifies opportunities. Professionally, it's suitable for holistic practitioners, coaches, and counselors. Each professional can combine multiple techniques and adapt them to their needs. AromaTest can be integrated into existing holistic protocols.

    Duration: 2 evenings, a couple of hours each, starting at 8:30 PM (online and live)

  • 3rd Level | Personal Discovery Course

    The third level dives into your personal evolutionary path. Through a co-creation evening, you'll gain awareness of your "Master Oil" and receive instructions and exercises to further enhance your vibrations, potential, and possibly heal your wounds.

    Duration: about 2 hours (online and live), with flexible pacing.

Tibetan Bowls

  • Tibetan Bowls Experience


    Tibetan bowls offer a "holistic view" of our physical and mental health based on the concept of vibration and sound, acting on the Physical, Mental, and Emotional planes, and especially in relation to Energy.

    Duration: about 6 hours (in-person)

  • Feel the Vibration with Tibetan Bowls


    Their unique, religious, and spiritual sound makes Tibetan bowls a powerful tool to connect vibrationally with our deepest emotions, body, and Vibrant Energy.

    Duration: about 6 hours (in-person)

& More...

  • Om Chanting by Bhakti Marga

    As an official organizer of Om Chanting Circles, simply chanting "Om" with well-defined techniques provided by the International Bhakti Marga Association. Om Chanting is a beautiful group practice that uses the creative power of the cosmic sound Om to bring transformation and harmony to all participants, as well as the surrounding environment and all life forms. It gradually transforms negativity, blocks, and restores the original nature of everything, aligned with the highest universal vibration, Love. So, just come, sit, and let yourself be carried away by the Om mantra.

    Duration: about 2 hours (in-person)

  • Project Mantra by Bhakti Marga

    As a Project Mantra teacher, I offer a free program from the International Bhakti Marga Association to help establish and gradually build a daily chanting practice. Anyone can do it, anywhere and anytime, even children. It's perfect for beginners who want a simple and effective tool to calm the mind and open the heart.

    Duration: a 1-hour introductory evening (online, live, and recorded) with a 40-day challenge following the project's daily minute requirement.