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Disma Scano

My name is Disma Scano, Holistic and Wellness Practitioner

just call me Disma

I've always been drawn to everything that isn't taught in school, among various paths and journeys in the end Reiki was my first Love and with it came spiritual growth and awareness of my being. Reiki ignited the great passion for many holistic techniques, Crystals and Tibetan Singing Bowls accompanied my journey of growth, followed by Aromatherapy and Metamedicine.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master, Traditional Reiki Master, Karuna Healing Reiki Master, Sound Technician through Tibetan Singing Bowls,

Aromatherapy Consultant, Crystal Technique Operator, Facilitator on Akashic Records,

Official Organizer of Om Chanting Bhakti Marga Int. technique, Teacher in Project Mantra, Numerology enthusiast